Automated Laser Cleaning for Moulds

Automated Laser Cleaning for Moulds

Laser cleaning is an extremely effective method for decontaminating moulds. Automated systems can remove unwanted materials such as resins, release agents, production residues, oxides and oils without causing damage to the underlying structure, drastically extending the lifecycle of the tool. Cleaning can be done at rates of up to 22 m²/ h for certain applications and can be integrated with robotic and gantry systems. It is an environmentally friendly option in that it is energy efficient and doesn’t use harmful chemicals.

Different types of Moulds

Moulds are cavities used to shape a molten substance into a final desired shape. They are vital for consistently and efficiently producing parts across the manufacturing industry.

They are used when making a huge range of items including:

  • Composite parts and components in aerospace and automotive
  • Plastic and rubber products used in electronics, cars, toys, kitchenware
  • Industrial machinery and construction materials
  • In food production for baking, making ice cream cones and wafers

Automated laser cleaning can be useful for cleaning a variety of different types of these tools including injection, compression, rotational and blow moulds.

Laser Cleaning for Moulds


Moulds in the aerospace industry often have complex geometries and are used to make structures to a very tight tolerance. Even a small imperfection on the mold can lead to a defect in the final part which can be disruptive to production schedules and end up being extremely costly. These types of defects can occur when using more cumbersome cleaning methods such as sandblasting and dry ice blasting. Lasers allow you to clean the molds with precision to ensure there is no damage to the underlying structure of the mold extending its lifecycle dramatically.

Moulds in aerospace are often made of invar or high-grade steels. They range in size and are used to make parts such as Turbine Blades, Fuselage and Wing Skins. At Loop Technology, we provide robot and gantry integrated laser cleaning systems that can be used on the large-scale molds.


Moulds are used throughout the automotive industry in the production of a variety of plastic, rubber and metal parts such as body panels, engine and transmission components, safety systems, battery cases, fuse boxes as well as for tires.

They allow for the consistent and repeatable high-volume production of these parts. It is vital that the moulds are cleaned effectively and quickly to prevent disruption to this process and ensure production targets are met. Automated laser cleaning delivers quick cleaning of molds and can be integrated into production lines to prevent downtime. Furthermore, they offer an environmentally friendly solution that the automotive industry is increasingly attracted to for meeting regulatory standards.

Laser Cleaning for Tire Moulds

Food Production

Laser cleaning of moulds used in food production is a great alternative to chemical cleaning that can pose a health and safety risk if not managed correctly. This technology works particularly well on cast-iron, stainless steel and chrome-plated moulds and surfaces that contain oil and grease. It can be applied to wafer moulds, industrial baking plates and conveyor belts. Laser can be used to clean moulds during maintenance when the food production system is offline but also integrated into a production line when it is operating, saving time and ensuring the molds do not need to be disassembled. An additional benefit is low level of energy consumption a laser cleaning system would use for this application- less than 1 KW.

Plastics & Rubber

Mould tools are used to make many plastic products including bottles, containers, toys, cables, pipes, tubing, electronic devices, medical equipment and much more. In the specific case of injection moulding, plastic pellets are melted and then injected into the mold under high pressure. The mold is clamped shut and then the molten plastic is cooled and hardened before the part is ejected. This process is repeated thousands of times to mass produce plastic components. Over time the moulds and cooling channels accumulate plastic resin and other contaminants which results in disruption to the process, defects in the final products and a reduction in the lifespan of the tool. Laser cleaning is an effective way to preventing this from occurring. Additionally, plastic moulds can be designed with a high gloss finish that is transferred to the final product. Laser cleaning is able to effectively preserve this surface treatment where other methods do not which ultimately has a negative impact on the parts functionality and appearance.

Laser cleaning is also useful for cleaning moulds used to produce rubber including EPDM, nitrile and natural rubber. The fact that it doesn’t require abrasives, is quiet and allows for hot moulds to be cleaned in situ all contribute to it being a more attractive option for manufacturers in the Elastomeric industry.